Struggling to find your Return Visits at home? I think we all know how that feels. Our work is urgent and so we don't want to let time go by too long before making some sort of contact. For this reason, I have made these cards, which are the perfect size for you to leave a note and your contact details with your RV.
Inside it mentions that they can visit jw.org. Just print (I use A4 paper but letter size should work too) and fold into quarters. Five different front cover to choose from.
Always keep a few with you in your ministry bag. They also fit perfectly in the Ministry Folders that I have on my website. New fabrics are added regularly. To view the folders, please look in the "Ministry Folders" section on my website: jwconventionkids.com
These cards (and Ministry Folders) would make a great gift idea for pioneers and others.
Copy and paste this link to see how to fold the card correctly: https://youtube.com/shorts/vUpIxQVrLEs?feature=share